Hey mama! What are you doing to get ready for your newborn baby? Has the nesting kicked in yet?
Here are some things that I hear about from new moms, and those that have been a mom for years.
- Don't sweat the small stuff. We all want to be organized and have the cleanest house on the block, while raising amazing children, but that isn't realistic unless you are super woman. If you are, please let me know your tricks so that I can share them. Instead, love your baby and family now because those dishes and cleaning can wait until you have time.
- Ask for help. Women always want to do and don't want help. I get it, sometime it's easier to do it because it will get done right. Well, give yourself some grace and let people help you. Some thrive on helping, that is what they live for.
- Baby proof your house. I know you might be thinking that it's too soon, but once that baby is born you might not have the time or mental capacity to put those locks on cabinets. Get a head start because before you know it baby will be crawling around.
- Make some freezer meals. If you get started on some meals now, you won't have to think about it for a few weeks.
- Remember to take a deep breath and remember that you got this. Your baby needs you, and so does your family. If you're feeling down once that baby gets here, please let your medical provider know. Postpartum depression is real and it is nothing that you've done wrong.
Now that I've shared the most common things that I hear at sessions, look at these beautiful babies that I've photographed. If you didn't know this already, I love my job.
Tiny beds and basket - Luneberry, Hello Little Props
White layer and bonnet - Peach Stitch
Flooring - Intuition Backgrounds, Fancy Fabrics
Felted critters - Aubrey's Felties, Dear my Luna